Emerging Church Deception


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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The 'Be Still' DVD...What is going on?

What is it about the Be Still DVD that is causing so much controversy? The Be Still DVD is a full blown endorsement of contemplative prayer.

From the Be Still DVD website:

"One of the greatest challenges for believers today is to stop, to be silent and learn to listen to the still, small voice of God through scripture. BE STILL is an interactive DVD that explores the history, importance, and power of listening prayer from a cross-denominational point of view. It features interviews with Dr. Henry Cloud, Calvin Miller, Max Lucado, Priscilla Shirer, Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, Beth Moore, and many more. BE STILL demonstrates how, even in the hectic modern world, the practice of listening prayer can deepen our relationship with God and those around us and become a vital part of everyday life."

But is this really a good thing? We do not think so as it is a doorway into mystical practices that the Bible nowhere recommends or even mentions. Neither did Jesus Christ! But these practices can be found all over the world of the occult in Buddhism and Hinduism. But they have been conveniently repackaged for Christians who have sought 'deeper spirituality' through integrating Eastern methods with Christianity.

Read what Brian Flynn [former New Age practitioner], the Director of One Truth Ministries says about the Be Still DVD.

Be Still and Know ... that you are being deceived by Brian Flynn

About the DVD by Lighthouse Trails Research Project
Read the extensive research that Lighthouse Trails Research Project has done...
Scripture Misused to fit Contemplative ideas

Richard Foster and the Be Still DVD by Ray Yungen

Official Statement from Beth Moore about the Be Still DVD