Emerging Church Deception


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—How to Know if You Are Being Spiritually Abused or Deceived—A Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire
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—Taizé—A Community and Worship: Ecumenical Reconciliation or an Interfaith Delusion?
—Jesus Calling Sarah Young Exposé​ Archive: A closer look at Sarah Young's dangerous occult (hidden) teachings
See also

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Calvary Chapel Rejects Purpose Driven and Emerging Spirituality

Calvary Chapel Rejects Purpose Driven
and Emerging Spirituality

The following news alert is a follow-up to our recent Special Report on Calvary Chapel.

June 16, 2006 - Costa Mesa, CA: Last week at Calvary Chapel's annual pastor's conference, founder and Senior Pastor Chuck Smith announced that Calvary Chapel was rejecting various movements and practices that have been taking place within the Christian church at large as well as in some Calvary Chapel churches. According to a number of pastors who spoke with Lighthouse Trails this week, Smith asked that those Calvary Chapel pastors who were going in the direction of the emerging church would no longer call themselves Calvary Chapel churches.

This week a notice was placed on the Calvary Chapel Distribution website recalling Chuck Smith Sr's book, When Storms Come (which had been tampered with). The notice also stated: "The teaching and positions of Rick Warren have come into conflict with us at Calvary Chapel. Pastor Chuck has directed us to discontinue this product effective immediately."

Both Purpose Driven and the emerging church promote contemplative spirituality, which is a belief system that is contrary to biblical Christianity. Popular authors such as Richard Foster, Brian McLaren, Rick Warren, Henri Nouwen, Brennan Manning and many others teach contemplative spirituality (also known as spiritual formation).
Recent Related Reports:

May 2, 2006: What Happened to the Calvary Chapel Book, When Storms Come?

May 21, 2006: Calvary Chapel Rejects Contemplative and Emergent Spirituality!

May 25, 2006: Calvary Chapel May Face Challenge in Upholding Position Paper

June 3, 2006: Calvary Chapel May Set Precedent at This Week's Pastors Conference

For more information on contemplative and emerging,
please refer to Lighthouse Trails Research Project