Emerging Church Deception


SRN Sites

Spiritual Research Network.org

SRN Coastal Cult Watch blog
SRN Resources

—A Directory of Authors: Three NOT Recommended Lists
—How to Know if You Are Being Spiritually Abused or Deceived—A Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire
—The Alpha Course: An Evangelical Contradiction
—Yoga and Christianity: Are They Compatible?
—Taizé—A Community and Worship: Ecumenical Reconciliation or an Interfaith Delusion?
—Jesus Calling Sarah Young Exposé​ Archive: A closer look at Sarah Young's dangerous occult (hidden) teachings
See also

Monday, July 17, 2006

Recommended Reading: Articles by Brian Flynn at One Truth Ministires

Dear friends,

In line with posting relevant articles on this blog, I periodically recommend balanced authors and discernment research websites.

Please do take a look at the following articles by Brian Flynn from One Truth Ministries. Brian has an amazing story as the LORD led him out of the occult and into the Body of Christ. By God's grace Brian is serving the Lord and speaking out against the contemplative mystical practices in the church. His ministry glorifies our LORD Jesus Christ and we are blessed to be able to pass on the info about another solid discernment ministry.

Below are some of Brian's articles at One Truth Ministries.

~ Chris Lawson at SRN


Christian Should Dump Contemplative Prayer by Brian Flynn

Be Still and Know...that you are being deceived by Brian Flynn

Mystics Misuse of Scripture - Why contemplative prayer has no biblical support by Brian Flynn

Lectio Divina-Sacred Divination by Brian Flynn

Christian Yoga - Oxymoron by Brian Flynn

Are Psychics Real? by Doug Trouten [About Brian Flynn's testimony]

Spirit Guides or Demons? by Brian Flynn