Emerging Church Deception


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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Brian Mclaren And The Emerging Church

Brian Mclaren And The Emerging Church
APPRISING MINISTRIES - by Pastor Ken Silva - January 17, 2006

Introduction And Clarification
As this work is becoming more noticed, by way of introduction let me begin with a couple of important points of clarification. While I have laid out my criticisms of the Emerging Church movement (EC) I have always been fully aware of the difference between
Emergent-US, the organization that Brian McLaren helped found, and the increasing numbers of loosely associated churches who would consider themselves part of this “conversation” of the Emerging Church. Therefore I do not necessarily intend blanket criticism of each of these churches, though I would ask them to research the origin of this movement/conversation and to immediately and prayerfully reconsider even being a part of the EC at all. Knowing this is quite unlikely, I reiterate that most of my criticism is (and has been) levied at the leaders/theologians within Emergent-US; and this is what I refer to as the Emergent Church as this is the most prominent group within the conversation.

That understood, I am not saying that (at the present time) everything within the EC itself is bad. For example, while I would never recommend it, much of Dan Kimball’s book The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations is within orthodoxy–at least for now. However, it is my considered opinion that when a movement begins in order to accommodate any rebellion against sound Biblical doctrine at all, it has been doomed right from the start...

....There is also a very informative article by Herescope that I recommend for you to make the time to read called How Leadership Network created the “Emerging Church”.
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See Emerging Church Discernment Archive at Apprising Ministires